
General Terms of Use

This website (www.diaxon.gr) with all the individual webpages (hereinafter the "pages") is owned by DIAXON SA (hereinafter the "Company") and is intended to present to the public via the Internet the Company and its activities.

Using the website www.diaxon.gr implies full acceptance of the following terms of use, that apply to all content, pages, graphics, images, photographs and files included in this website. Thus, the visitor/user of the pages on this website should read these terms carefully before visiting or using the Company’s pages. If he/she does not so agree, then he/she should stop visiting the pages and not make use of their content.

The Company only assumes the responsibility to make every effort possible to ensure the accuracy of the information made available to visitors to the website www.diaxon.gr. However, it cannot guarantee that the pages, services, options and content will be provided uninterruptedly or error free or that, errors will be corrected immediately, and it assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions therein or for results that may arise from the use thereof. In addition, the Company does not guarantee that this or any other website or the servers through which they are made available to visitors/users are free of "viruses" or other harmful programmes, but it makes every effort, by using the most modern and effective methods, to ensure the safe use of this website.

Any hyperlinks or banners on this website (appearing solely for the purpose of facilitating contact of visitors/users with those responsible for providing additional information) may direct users to websites on other servers, which cannot be controlled by the Company. Therefore the Company assumes no responsibility for the content of the afore-mentioned websites or for any damages arising from their use. For any problem arising during a visit/use of these sites and pages, direct communication should be made with the respective websites, pages and their owners, who bear the relevant responsibility. In no case can it be assumed that the Company approves or accepts the contents or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or is linked in any other way.

The Company shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the visitor/user from the use of the pages. The contents of the pages are provided "as is" without any explicit or inferred warranty. All information is provided for general information purposes only. If the visitor/user to/of  the pages intends to make use of any information provided in the pages, he/she must first contact the Company in written , via the contact form provided on the website www.diaxon.gr (email: info.petrochemicals@helpe.gr and the Company, at its discretion, will arrange to provide timely and accurate information, if the user is authorized to receive them.

The website www.diaxon.gr is intended to be in operation 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The Company reserves the right to decide the suspension or termination of access to part of and/or the entire website, if circumstances arise beyond its control, which necessitate the suspension or termination of access, such as, indicatively, in the event of malfunctioning information systems or telecommunications networks, technical problems or for reasons of regular or emergency maintenance or in the event of other major emergencies.

The Company reserves the right to modify the format and content of the website, whenever this is deemed necessary and without prior notice.
The visitor/user of the site must use the information and data provided therein in a lawful manner and in accordance with good faith and morality. Otherwise, he/she  assumes responsibility for the remuneration of any damage, which the Company may suffer from the illegal or improper use.
Users are also prohibited from importing in any way to the Company website www.diaxon.gr any malicious software or data that would alter or may possibly alter the appearance and integrity of the website’s data and organization. In such a case, the Company will take all appropriate legal action to restore any damages it may suffer.


Privacy Policy

During browsing of visitors/users at website of the Company, the Company collects and processes personal data. In order to be informed about the aforementioned collection and processing, and about your rights, you may refer to our Privacy Statement.


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The content of the pages of this website (indicatively, images, trademarks, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and generally all the files on this website) constitute intellectual property, trademarks and service marks of the Company or other companies in the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Therefore, none of the above, in total or in part, may be sold, copied, amended, reproduced, republished, downloaded, transmitted or distributed in any way.

The visitor/user is able to store individually a copy of part of the contents of this website on his/her personal computer for personal and not public or commercial use and without removing the indication of their origin from the Company, without affecting in any way the intellectual and industrial property rights.
All other distinctive features, products or services mentioned on the pages of this website and which bear the trademarks of the respective organizations, companies, affiliates, agencies, associations and publications, are their intellectual and industrial property and therefore these institutions bear respective rights concerning their protection.


Applicable law and other terms

The afore-mentioned terms and conditions for the usage of the pages, as well as any amendment, alteration or distortion thereof, shall be governed by Greek law and European Union law and the relevant international treaties.

Any provision in the afore-mentioned terms that may become contradictory to the above sources of law, ceases ipso jure to apply and is removed without, in any way, affecting the validity of the remaining terms.

For any dispute that may arise from the use of this website, the Courts of Athens are exclusively competent.

Αυτή η ιστοσελίδα χρησιμοποιεί cookies για να σας προσφέρει την καλύτερη δυνατή εμπειρία. Επιλέγοντας "ΟΚ" παρέχετε τη συγκατάθεσή σας για τη χρήση όλων των cookies σύμφωνα με την πολιτική μας, ενώ μπορείτε να εξατομικεύσετε τις ρυθμίσεις σας επιλέγοντας το πεδίο "Ρυθμίσεις και Πολιτική Cookies".

Ρυθμίσεις & Πολιτική Cookies

Απαραίτητα Cookies / Λειτουργικότητας

Τα απολύτως απαραίτητα cookies είναι ουσιαστικής σημασίας για την ορθή λειτουργία του ιστοτόπου. Τα Cookies αυτά σας επιτρέπουν να κάνετε περιήγηση και να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις λειτουργίες του ιστοτόπου, όπως πρόσβαση σε ασφαλείς περιοχές ή χρήση του καλαθιού αγοράς. Αυτά τα cookies δεν αναγνωρίζουν την ατομική σας ταυτότητα και χωρίς αυτά, η ομαλή λειτουργία του ιστοτόπου δεν είναι δυνατή. Τα cookies λειτουργικότητας επιτρέπουν στον ιστότοπο να θυμάται τις επιλογές σας όπως γλώσσα, currency κ.τ.λ., ώστε να παρέχει βελτιωμένες και προσωποποιημένες λειτουργίες. Μπορούν επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την παροχή υπηρεσιών που έχουν ζητηθεί από το χρήστη, όπως προβολή βίντεο ή χρήση μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Αυτά τα cookies, δεν είναι δυνατόν να παρακολουθήσουν την δραστηριότητα της περιήγησής σε άλλους ιστοτόπους.