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A ‘Thank-you’ visit to DIAXON by the Robotics’ Group of the 1st Lyceum of Komotini

Mr. G. Stergioulis, CEO of Hellenic Petroleum, visited Diaxon plant on July 6th, 2016 within the frame of an informative meeting with employees. During his visit, the Robotics’ Group of the 1st Lyceum of Komotini ("Robotgang"), which recently received a donation from Hellenic Petroleum in order to participate in the World Robotics Competition, also visited Diaxon plant.

The World Robotics Competition, in which 72 groups from 30 U.S. states and 16 other countries participated, took place in May 2016; however no general classification was released.
The competition covered three main areas: Project (Idea), Robot Programming and Core Values. The “Robotgang” team had overall a very good performance (particularly in the sub area of Project).

In March 2016, “Robotgang” participated in the National Contest of Educational Robotics, Research and Innovation "First Lego League", which was held under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs in Thessaloniki. All the expenses were covered by the Mitropolis Church of Komotini and local companies. Despite being a group of students  from a local public school, the Robotics’ Group of the 1st Lyceum of Komotini competed with groups from big cities and private schools. The group eventually managed to beat all 54 participating teams from all over Greece and won the first prize for innovative solution and the first position in the general classification of the competition.

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